Putting a human face on HIV/AIDS amongst religious leaders.
MANERELA+ is an interfaith and voluntary membership network of religious leaders living with or personally affected by HIV and AIDS in Malawi.
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Citizen Science Community-Led Monitoring and Advocacy (𝐂𝐒-𝐂𝐋𝐌𝐀)
Citizen Science Community Led Monitoring and Advocacy (CS-CLMA), a project implemented in Kasungu and Dedza by MANERELA+ (Malawi Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV and AIDS) in collaboration with the Network of Journalists Living with HIV (JONEHA), is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC).
So far, the project has made significant advances in HIV service delivery by empowering care recipients to be at the forefront of advocating for excellent services in health institutions.

We mobilize religious leaders from Christian, Muslim and other Religious communities
Duty Bearers as Agents of Change
We engaging moral duty bearers as agents of change in Malawi.
HIV Prevention Practices
Increased HIV prevention practices in faith communities
HIV Treatment, Care and Support
Provision of high quality HIV treatment, care and support at all levels
Fighting Stigma and Discrimination
endeavors to fight HIV and AIDS related stigma and discrimination
Rights of Marginalized Groups
promote rights of marginalized groups vulnerable to HIV infection
Garden CareGarden Care
A line about the service you've mentioned above. in Malawi.
Key Achievements to date
These are some of our key achievements that we have managed over the years
HIV support groups
Formed support groups for people living with HIV in places of Worship.
Increased membership
Religious leaders living with or personally affected by HIV has increased to more than 6000.
Religious leaders have come out in the open to declare their HIV sero status.
Stigma & discrimination
Managed to reduce stigma and discrimination towards those living with HIV
News & Stories
By Alfonso Mpima, Dedza.
Harold Kachepatsonga, the programs manager for the Malawi Network of Religious Leaders Living with HIV/AIDS (MANELERA+), has called on stakeholders to make intentional efforts that might support the economic empowerment of people living with HIV/AIDS. Kachepatsonga shared his sentiments.
Kachepatsonga stated, “The project is aimed at improving the health of adolescent mothers. This livestock pass-on initiative is supposed to improve their lives by allowing them to own goats, receive manure, and share with others as they increase. Other organisations can help these folks alter their livelihoods.” Read More
By Christer Kalukusha
In many parts of the world, stigma associated with HIV hinders recipients of care from seeking health care and the support they need from health facilities. Despite HIV being known in Malawi in 1985, some people still have a negative attitude towards people living with HIV, which discourages recipients of care from publicly or freely accessing healthcare services out of fear of being discriminated against.
By Starphel Sithole
Among other factors associated with non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the fear of disclosing an HIV status to prevent stigma and discrimination. An inadequately designed health infrastructure might contribute to stigma and prejudice by limiting privacy and secrecy in its services. Recipients of care ask for addressing the problem in health facilities where it exists.
By Christer Kalukusha
Citizen Science Community Led Monitoring and Advocacy (CS-CLMA) project is largely contributing to a growing demand of health services including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) by key populations in health facilities in Kasungu and Dedza districts.
By Starphel Sithole
There has been a construction of a modern ART infrastructure at Kasungu District Hospital following demands of the community members and recipients of care as a result of community empowerment and engagement meetings with duty bearers facilitated by Citizen Science Community Led Monitoring and Advocacy (CS_CLMA) project…Read More

Let's Stop H.I.V Together!
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Be part of the MANERALA+ Movement
Love and respect for all people regardless of their background, HIV status, sexual orientation, race or faith belief.